
Die Kraft der Natur


Dunkle Wolken ziehen über die Küste hinweg, hinterlassen spürbar Dramatik und Spannung. Das Meer kommt gefährlich nahe, tränkt den Sand durch und durch mit dem salzigen Nass.

Wie gemalt stehen verwitterte Bäume im Strand verwurzelt, als ob es jemanden gäbe der ihnen neues Leben schenkt.

Vielleicht ist es die grazile Braut die ihnen heute diesen Wunsch erfüllt. Der Wind trägt sie die Küste entlang, entfaltet ihre und die Schönheit ihres Kleides.

Was Fotografin Sara Donaldson als ruhiges, ausgedehntes Shooting plante, endete in einer kurzen und stürmischen Fotosession am Folly Beach in Charleston.

Naturgewalten sorgten für eine kraftvolle und leidenschaftliche Stimmung die die talentierte Künstlerin auch prompt einfing.

Glanz und Glamour, Schönheit und Eleganz – das raue Wetter stellte all das nur noch mehr in den Mittelpunkt und betonte jedes Detail.

Ausdrucksstarkes Make-up, eine außergewöhnliche Robe und kostbar funkelnder Schmuck strahlten auch ohne direktes Sonnenlicht und sorgten für diese einmalig eindrucksvollen Bilder von Sara Donaldson.

Text: Marina Jenewein


Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA


Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA

Sara Donaldson Photograph | Charleston, SC | Folly Beach, Edge of America | Edge of the Storm Bridal Portraits | Gown: Saint Isabel | Veils and Belt: Melinda Rose Design | Hair: Lauren Campion, Studio M | Makeup: Jonny Cosmetics | Earrings: Vintage | Floral: Stephanie Gibbs | Model: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA


PHOTOGRAPHY: Sara Donaldson 
FILM LAB: Richard Photo Lab 
DRESS: Saint Isabel 
VEILS + BELT: Melinda Rose Design 
FLORAL + LOCAL COORDINATION: Stephanie Gibbs Events 
HAIR: Lauren Campion 
MAKE-UP: Jonny Cosmetics 
MODEL: Lauren Dwyer, Directions USA  


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